Online Recipe Book

Stuffed Eggplants

About two servings
Prep info
40 min prep + 20 min cook + 35 min bake
Prep time
Not set
Cook time
1 hour, 35 minutes
Time required
1 hour, 35 minutes
Oven preheat


  • 180 g eggplant
  • 108 g ground meat (any, to taste)
  • 90 g diced tomatoes
  • 54 g diced onion
  • 36 g shredded cheese (hard)
  • 1 cloves garlic
  • oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 2 T sour cream (to taste)


Wash the eggplant and cut lengthwise into two halves.  Remove the innards from each half, saving it.  Remove as much as possible for best results.  Place the eggplant shells and innards in cold salted water for 30 minutes (to get rid of its bitterness), then rinse in cold water.

Finely chop the onions, garlic, and tomatoes.

When the eggplant is finished soaking, finely chop it.

Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil.  Add the meat and fry it til done.  Add the tomatoes, eggplant pulp, salt, and pepper; cook until tender (about 8 - 10 minutes).  Turn off the heat and add sour cream until it achieves a good consistency.

Fill the eggplant halves with the mixture.  Place them in a baking dish, and cover with grated cheese.

Bake at 180C for 30-35 minutes.  Just before serving, sprinkle with herbs.


SJ Note 18 July 2011: This recipe is perfectly fine, and if you like eggplant, meat, and tomato, you should try this.  I think we just don't like eggplant - but hey we wouldn't know if we didn't try it.  We've had it a few ways now, and still don't like it, so I guess we just don't like it.  As for this recipe, I actually liked the filling - though all I could taste was the meat and tomato, which I like, so that's not surprising.